An open source phonetic Bangla input method built with love.
Version: 1.5
First dictionary enabled Bangla phonetic typing software for macOS

100% compatibility with the current classic Avro Phonetic scheme. Switch between Mac, Windows or Linux, you'll have the same typing experience across platforms.

Preview on-the-fly
Support for preview window to see suggestions. You have the full control on what you want to type.

Dictionary assistance
Dictionary support can predict and suggest phonetically similar words with correct spelling. Type with confidence.

Autocorrect and substitution
Autocorrect support brings commonly used English words to Bangla (like, Facebook, download etc.) even with their original English spelling.

One size never fits all. Change the orientation of suggestion list or totally turn off the prediction. iAvro is built to help, not to get in your way.

Open source
iAvro is open source free software. Use as you like, change what you like and help us improve the Bangla typing experience on awesome macOS!